Monday, September 21, 2009

Another point of view

Andrew and I enjoy going to movies. I enjoy going together, he just enjoys going. But we go and we go often. Recently his sister, Jessica, suggested that we write movie reviews, and I thought it could be fun. So, we'll give it a try here. I might even throw in other things that we love or hate or feel strongly enough about to write a review of it.

Right now, I love my Kolcraft Contours Options Tandem Stroller. I'm gonna keep this short because I think I should go to bed before the twins wake up again, but pros include the many ways you can put the seats together (facing each other, facing away, both facing front, both facing back, two car seats (with adaptors), one car seat and one regular seat, etc). Today, Hope fell asleep in the car, and I easily transferred asleep to the stroller, and then put one twin car seat behind her, and carried the other twin in a front pack carrier (Ellaroo). It also has a huge basket underneath, so that if I'm not doing too serious of a shopping trip, I can fit most of my stuff underneath. Also, even though it states the weight limit as 15 lbs, my petite 2 1/2 year old can fit in the basket underneath when there are two infant seats attached above. It's like her own little fort, and she actually enjoys crawling in and out. The stroller is smooth to push, has nice large wheels, is fairly easy to fold up and overall is perfect for our family. The cons include needing to detach seats before folding (really only a few extra seconds or so) and it's a little heavy (but that does make for a sturdy frame) and it's a little hard to take corners. It's a great stroller and I highly recommend it for anyone needing a double stroller.

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